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Solar leasing firm foresees more market consolidation in 2012

SunRun, a company that offers solar leasing and PPAs to over 15,000 customers in the U.S., released predictions for the state of solar energy in 2012.

The December 14 predictions include falling module costs (up to 20 percent by years’ end), growing popularity of solar leasing, especially amongst the middle class, and breakthroughs in supporting technologies that will help to make solar more affordable.

The solar power service provider’s most interesting statement, though, was calling 2012 a “Darwinian year” for solar. Citing market oversupply and the expiration of the 1603 Treasury Grant Program as factors that may push solar energy firms out of business, SunRun claimed “this consolidation will clarify the industry’s enduring leaders.”

A home with solar panels leased from SunRun. Photo Credit: SunRun

“Without the grant program consumers lose out because clean energy becomes more expensive and less accessible,” said SunRun spokesperson Susan Wise, according to Clean Energy Authority.

“As a market leader we will continue our success without the grant program, but we prefer that it be extended so we can offer the most affordable solar to more homeowners and more middle-class families.”


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