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Feb 26, 2017
North Carolina Island Rolls Out Microgrid
Ocracoke—a popular tourist destination in the Outer Banks of North Carolina— is addressing weather-related power outages with a...

Aug 13, 2016
The SunPower Freak-Out
Business media outlets have solar investors running for cover in the wake of SunPower’s revised earnings forecast. San Jose...

Jun 7, 2016
Solar + Storage: Update
Battery storage is the name of the game in 2016. Will the solar dream of “cutting the cord” become a reality? In a January 2016 article...

Nov 23, 2015
California Low Income Solar Program Spreads to East Coast
GRID Alternatives is a non-profit organization founded to bring high-tech solar technology to low-income homeowners who need the cost...

Jun 6, 2015
Lithium Batteries and Solar: Where are We Headed?
Residential Battery Systems (RBS) are the topic of much excitement and speculation in the solar world recently. Tesla, the electric car...

May 18, 2015
The Little Utility That Could
Warren McKenna, the Manager of Farmers Electric Coop in Kalona, Iowa is a soft spoken fellow. However, it only took one sentence to bring...

May 6, 2015
Tesla’s Powerwall: Giant Leap or Small Step?
Tesla’s announcement of their new Powerwall stationary battery created quite a whirlwind of excitement. As the dust begins to settle and...

Apr 29, 2015
Solar: A Good Technology in Bad Times
No one can deny that the solar industry is booming. There may be disagreements as to why…opponents claim that solar is too dependent on...

Apr 9, 2015
Chinese Solar: The Sleeping Giant Is Waking To A New, Smoggy Sunrise
The Chinese government has set an ambitious new goal of 17.8GW of new installed solar capacity for this year. Can they reach it, and if...

Feb 23, 2015
Enviros and Tea Party Agree: Solar is Good for Florida
Far-left environmental activists and far-right small government conservatives may seem like odd allies, but when it comes to making...

Jan 23, 2015
Solar Adds to Home Sale Value, New Report Shows
Over the last 10 years, there has been a great deal of debate over residential solar and its impact on the value of homes. Up until...

Dec 11, 2014
Gatherings of the Tribe: Grassroots Solar Events Build Community Support
For many years now, I have had the pleasure of attending renewable energy expos, solar industry conventions and meetings of the “solar...

Dec 3, 2014
A New Direction For Solar: West Facing Panels
Since the advent of modern solar technology, common wisdom has always taught us that solar panels should face the equator. For those of...

Nov 3, 2014
AC Solar Modules: The Future of PV Panels?
Photovoltaic (PV) modules produce DC electricity, and how that DC power is converted to grid-quality AC is one of the most hotly debated...

Oct 28, 2014
Microinverter Leader Takes on Energy Storage
Enphase, whose microinverter took the solar industry by storm in 2008, has continued to dominate the microinverter market ever since....

Oct 16, 2011
When Will We Achieve Solar Grid Parity?
What is solar grid parity? Solar power grid parity occurs when generating solar energy costs the same as electricity from the grid,...

Oct 16, 2011
Feed-In Tariff: How to Sell Electricity Back to the Grid
A feed-in tariff (FIT) is a system wherein producers of solar energy sell the energy they produce to the local utility, at a price based...

Oct 16, 2011
Solar Power Jobs
The Solar Industry Most people don’t know that more people in the U.S. are employed in the solar industry than in steel. And according to...
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