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Aug 21, 2015
Airports Are Going Solar
Airports need lots of flat, open, unobstructed land surrounding them. Why not fill that open space with solar panels? Several large...

Aug 3, 2015
Solar in Space: Powering Earth and Beyond
Ever since the United States launched the Vanguard 1 satellite into space on March 17, 1958, solar panels have been an integral part of...

Jun 26, 2015
Biomimicry: Using Nature’s Solar Technology
The concept of imitating natural systems in the built environment is known as “Biomimicry,” and it holds great promise for advancements...

Jun 14, 2015
CSP: PV Not the Only Game in Town
With the price of photovoltaic (PV) panels plummeting and the advent of the era of PV “solar farms,” large scale solar thermal projects...

Jun 6, 2015
Lithium Batteries and Solar: Where are We Headed?
Residential Battery Systems (RBS) are the topic of much excitement and speculation in the solar world recently. Tesla, the electric car...

May 28, 2015
What’s Going On With Chinese Solar Stocks?
CNN reported today that as Hanergy Thin Film’s stock collapsed last week, Li Hejun, the company’s CEO, was joking with listeners at a...

May 6, 2015
Tesla’s Powerwall: Giant Leap or Small Step?
Tesla’s announcement of their new Powerwall stationary battery created quite a whirlwind of excitement. As the dust begins to settle and...

Apr 29, 2015
Solar: A Good Technology in Bad Times
No one can deny that the solar industry is booming. There may be disagreements as to why…opponents claim that solar is too dependent on...

Apr 16, 2015
Utilities: If You Can’t Beat Solar, Buy It
“Community Solar” projects are popping up all over the United States, providing large amounts of centrally-located, clean, renewable...

Apr 3, 2015
Can Elon Musk Push Solar Storage Over The Top?
The tweet may have been a hint about the teaser Musk tweeted out the day before, announcing, “Major new Tesla product line—not a car—will...

Mar 18, 2015
Solar Profile: Beth Spence, American Solar Direct
Beth Spence, American Solar Direct’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, prides herself on helping communities reduce carbon while...

Mar 13, 2015
What Happens if the Federal Solar Tax Credit Expires?
The solar industry is booming. But can it sustain its current growth in the absence of the 30% federal tax credit? image: the...

Mar 4, 2015
Solar Energy Storage In Five Years?
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the solar industry is going to have to address the energy storage issue soon if the market is to...

Feb 24, 2015
SunRun opens New Design Center in Irvine
San Francisco-based Sunrun, the nation’s largest solar company dedicated to residential systems, is expanding its presence in Orange...

Feb 12, 2015
New Report: California Leads the Nation in Solar Job Growth
The Solar Foundation’s California Solar Jobs Census Finds that California Solar Jobs Grew by Nearly 16% Last Year with Nearly 10,000 More...

Feb 5, 2015
PG&E Offers New Community Solar Program
Recently, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) announced that it has received permission from California regulators to offer electric...

Jan 30, 2015
Solar Suds: California Boasts World’s Largest Solar Brewery
This weekend, many Americans will be enjoying the culmination of the 2014-2015 NFL season by drinking some of their favorite frosty adult...

Jan 15, 2015
Saudi Moves To Corner the Energy Market May Include Solar
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the current plummet in oil prices is driven in part by OPEC’s desire to hurt the North American...

Dec 23, 2014
Happy Solar Holidays!
Did you know that solar energy is at the root of many holiday traditions? December is a time for celebrating faith, family…and the power...

Dec 18, 2014
The War Over Rooftop Solar
Is Distributed Generation dead? Perhaps not, but some utility companies are trying hard to redefine DG and privately owned residential...
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